Oct 242016
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This year, I am making more Christmas Stockings, as well as a few lap quilts.

Following are some of the holiday prints that I absolutely love, and were perfect for my stockings and quilt projects:

These are 5-inch pre-cut squares that are great for quilting or projects that require smaller pieces of fabric, such as my Christmas stockings.

The following are sold by the yard and cut to order. For example, if you order three yards the fabric will measure 44″ x 108″.:

I was lucky to get the following fabric when I did because it seems to sell out quickly.

I purposely chose the above fabrics that had Prime Shipping because I just couldn’t wait to get these beautiful fabrics. There are so many more holiday prints to choose from at the following link:

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My mother used to make our clothes when we were little. I would help her thread the sewing machine needle. That was the beginning of my love for sewing. I have many memories of my mother and the projects that we created. Here's to you creating many sewing projects and some beautiful memories of your own.

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